Viscotaq Coating Patch

Viscotaq Coating Patch

Regular price $14.90 $0.00 Unit price per

VISCOTAQ® Coating Patch can be applied with minimal surface preparation, does not require a primer, forms to virtually any shape, works well with theexisting pipe coating regardless of type; and provides proven, long-corrosion protection. VISCOTAQ® Coating Patch is a peel & stick product designed to provide corrosion protection to areas where lead wires and test wires are connected to the substrate by means of exothermic welds and/or pin brazes.

  • Wide temperature range for application 
  • Impermeable to moisture and gases
  • Permanent wetting characteristics
  • NO primer needed 
  • SP2 surface preparation (wire brush)
  • 100% impermeable to water and oxygen
  • Extremely low cathodic disbondment values-zero cathodic disbondment (self-healing) according to ISO21809-3 
  • Self-healing characteristics
  • Inert material, no deterioration over time
  • Ability to fill voids and anomalies of substrate
  • Immediate adhesion to substrate
  • Failure-free application
  • Non-toxic, non-flamable
  • Non-carcinogenic, no VOC’s
  • Flexible and pliable
  • Never cracks or becomes brittle
  • Long-term protection
  • Molds and forms easily
  • A-polar and rejects water
  • No cure time
  • Cold applied
  • Freeze and thaw resistant
  • UV resistant
  • Made in the USA
  • Manufactured under ISO9001